Sunday, January 11, 2009

Theme # 9 "Advertisement"

I figured I'd try and play catch up today and post another image. Cold as heck out there today and I have a bad cold and sinus condition so I decided to stay indoors. I scanned this 1942 add from one of my old 1942 NRA Magazines that some how managed to survive all these years. My Dear wife has threatned me many times that she will kindly throw them out for me. Like I said in a earlier post I am a incurable "packrat". The interesting thing about this add is the header words which I will repeat if not legible in the image. I quote:
Washington, Jan.28.--(U. P.) The American flag still flies over Midway Island today because that tiny outpost's marine garrison dished it out--hot and heavy. The combination of American courage and good markmenship was too much for the Japs and so their first assualt on Midway, on the night of the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor, failed".
Enjoy, Eddie


  1. Did the ad convince you to revert to a flintlock or (is it a?) kruger 351 Elephant gun, Why didn't they depict Brownings (for the elephants) and springfields for the enemy, but you theme is right it is very Red, White and Blue.

  2. Cool ad - what some people consider "ratpack" trash others consider a treasure. Neat keepsake!

  3. Those old magazines are real treasures - and a snapshot in time filled with glimpses of history. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hmmm....interesting they're associating owning a gun with being patriotic (red, white & blue)
    but I like the clarity of the photo!
