Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Theme # 103 "Flowers"

This stunning plants real name is "Spathiphyllum" or commonly called a "Peace Lily". It has only one small flower on it so figured I'd better get it now or never. The flower it self is no longer then 2".
I tried various angles and different lens but settled on my Nikkor 35-70mm zoom with the Nikkor-5T Supplementary Close-up lens attached to the front element.
Exif data as follows: Image taken on January 28, 2009 @ 9:08PM. Nikon D-90, Aperture Preferred Mode, Manual focus, ISO-200, Matrix metering, WB-Auto, Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 lens, zoom @ 52mm, exposure 15 seconds @f/11, no flash, tripod mounted and wireless infrared ML-L3 remote used.


  1. Stunning image! Only one flower is all you needed for the impact!

  2. An amazing image, this is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Eddie, its a spectacular image. The light is beautiful and the leaves in the background create balance in the frame. I love this!

  4. Elegant and Delicate. Love it!

  5. there is something so peaceful about this photo, just stunning

  6. That is one of the most stunning photographs I have seen. The composition, the color, the focus--everything about it is just elegant.

  7. Absolutely stunning!! Love the background and of course the frame.

  8. Beautiful Edmund, a real portrait in style.
