It' such a gloomy, dreary day I just had to use this theme. We had about four or five inch's of snow on my deck but it has been pouring rain here all night so only a little left. I stepped out from the family room door and onto a covered sort of breeze way and immediately saw these opposing diagonal lines which I thought were interesting. This 365 challenge will teach me to be more cautious when I click that ole shutter. Meaning that I should really see the image in the view finder not when post processing. I hope I don't bore you with a little history about my deck but I find it interesting. My property slopes down ward from the road meaning I'm on sort of a steep hill. From where this picture was taken on the right we are at ground level. If I turned my camera to the left to show the rest of the deck you would see that the tree tops appear almost half way down to ground level. The whole deck is filled with diagonals different levels, and a octagon shaped piece on the far left. That part is around 35 ft. above the ground. I designed this deck in 1992 and had a friend of mine build it at a bargain of all bargains price. We love the deck because in reality it's my back yard.
About the image, you will note the verticle distortion of the ballesters I believe that was caused because I shot this at 18mm ...so the pronounced distortion. If I had used a mid range zoom setting the distotion would not have been so pronounced. I think! But because of the intense rain I did not venture off the breezeway.
The exif data is as follows: Image was taken on January 7, 2009 at 1:05pm, using my Nikon D-90 with my 18-200mm VR lense. I shot in RAW, ISO-200, WB-Auto, Aperature preferred , Matrix metering(no compensation), 18mm,1/60th sec. f/6 . Hand held And no flash.
In my estimation nothing special but interesting and helps the learing process.
Thanks for viewing.
All of the lines make this an interesting picture. Nice eye!
ReplyDeleteI like all the lines too. I'd like to see another shot of it in the summer when you are enjoying it....
ReplyDeleteNice image, Edmund. The criss-crossing lines and piles of melting snow give a good texture.
ReplyDeleteI like the geometry in this picture. I wish I could see that much of my deck - it's much snowier right now...
ReplyDeleteThe deck is awesome. I enjoyed reading the history behind it. Very nice shot. I hope we will see some of the gorgeous view that you described.
ReplyDeleteInteresting photo and story! I hope to see more of the deck and the view too.
ReplyDeleteYou have all the angles covered and what snow that is left is just the icing on the cake.
ReplyDeleteit's all a learning process and you did a great job with all the angles here
ReplyDeleteThanks for the background info. I bet it is lovely in the summer. Useful for me to remember not to use to wide and angle when shooting strong lines. Wouldn't have thought of that.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, my computer wouldn't load this picture last night, so I thought I'd try again this morning. It was worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteI whish we could say snow, snow go away ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love your pics