Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Theme #182 "Memories of Childhood"

Well finally here is my first image for 2009. It appears I have some catching up to do. But a little pressure never hurt any one. This Xmas Tree stocking was given to me by my mother and father in 1937 for my first Christmas. I was one day old. Yes one day. I truly treasure this memento of my early childhood. I also have my sisters stocking from 1935 and who knows maybe it will fit in another category and be posted further down stream. My mother who now is 91 gave these treasures to my wife and I about 15 years ago when she knew that she was starting to fail and slow down. I'm a clutter bug and have boxes and boxes of things from the past when I was young and also from when my children were young.

This was taken with my Nikon D-90 on January 6, 2009 @ 9:53 PM. Exif data is as follows: Aperture preferred mode, Matrix metering, WB-Auto, ISO-320, Nikkor 18-200mm VR lens, @70mm f/7.1, 1/60 sec., Flash SB-800 bounced off to the right and ceiling to give it a soft effect. I used my Bogen 3001 Tripod and Giotto ball head. I used Lightroom for post processing.


  1. This is so cool to have this all these years - I am sure it holds a special place in your heart! I love the emotion behind the image (and the image itself is wonderful). Great start to the challenge!

  2. Was childhood last month for you? My first memory is sleeping on my dog's belly the day I learned to walk, don't know how to photograph that, I had hair then - Ah Memories

  3. What a very special treasure you have!! Great photo too!

  4. Even with the text being oddly wrapped this looks great. A sweet shot and sweeter story.

  5. This is a true treasure and wonderful memories. Great photo.

  6. What a wonderful keepsake! I hope you open up your boxes to find more treasures to photograph and share. There are quite a few themes that would fit. Thanks for sharing your exif and flash method...you did a terrific job!

  7. It's a lovely image and a sweet memento. Did your mother knit the stocking?

    I'm so glad you posted your shooting info - much appreciated!

  8. What a wonderful treasure, Edmund. I like your photo of Rollins Pond, too. I've camped there, too.
