Thursday, January 29, 2009

Theme # 5 "Abandoned"

This old abandoned water tank probably has an interesting life story but unfortunately I could not find out too much about it's history. All I know is that back in the early 1950's the United States Government bought up a couple thousand plus acres of land to be used as a flight test facility by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation. Back at that time most of the land was unimproved and parts of it was farm land. A portion of that land was allocated for a National Cemetery and that is where the old tank sits. It's about a couple hundred feet off the main road in an overgrown area that at one time was part of a farm lot or whatever. The house is gone but some remnants of a foundation are still visible. This water tank is about 2 miles from my house and I've seen it here thousands of times but never took the time out to actually investigate and see really what it was. It's funny because we had about five inches of snow on the ground and yesterday we had a little rain and sleet so when I pulled the car over and got out of my car and headed towards the water tank there were fresh frozen footprints leading from where I parked my car to the old water tank. Some one else was curious and looked this place over perhaps even taking a picture or two. One of the old farmers told me that at one time these old water tanks had wheels on them and were moved around by tractors to provide water for the crops. Considering that this tank has been sitting here for fifty plus years it is in remarkable shape. The carriage and wheel assembly are gone but as you can see it's now on blocks and retired from farm use. I could not get real close as it's in a wet area and you can see the ice in the picture. Because of the DX format and a multiplier of 1.5 I really don't have a wide angle lens anymore. Otherwise I would have gotten in much closer and used the high depth of field to its maximum.
Exif data is as follows: Image taken on January 29, 2009 @3:22 PM. Nikon D-90, Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8 lens, Aperature Priority Mode, Matrix Metering, WB-Auto, ISO-200, exposure 1/60 sec. f/8 35mm. No flash and hand held.


  1. What a great potential Horse water or Hay trough. And so colourful.

  2. Very neat image for the theme - love the textures you caught here!

  3. Beautiful and interesting history for this water tank.

  4. What an interesting piece of history that is. It needs to be in a museum, but then, the natural setting is half of the interest. A great picture!

  5. Very nice photograph. All of the grain in the in the wood makes the phtograph.

  6. I think it's too beautiful to be called abandoned! You've done an amazing job photographing it!
