Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have been tagged,...........

Madelaine tagged me and here are the rules:
•Go to your photo folder on your computer (My Pictures)
•Go to the Sixth folder of photos
•Go to the sixth picture
•Put the picture on your blog and a description of it
•Invite six friends to join the challenge
Friends that I have invited for this challenge are:
Lorri, Barbs, Jo, John, Sunny, and Dart
This image was the photo that I used back on January 5Th to test out the blog and post a picture to see how every thing works. The reason I picked this image was simple, I went to "My Pictures" folder and quickly browsing saw this one was already a JPEG and nicely framed. I would have loved to use this image as one of this years 365 but it was taken back in October 2000. My wife and I were camping in the beautiful Smokie Mountain National Park. On this particular day we went for a short (5-6 miles round trip) day hike relatively near Cosby Campground, where we were camping. It was a beautiful fall day in the mountains and we had a very nice hike. The Trail led us through a small group of very old camps that most of which were un-occupied. The park contains some privately owned land and homes which will become the property of the National Park System when the original owner dies. In this particular group of old homes only one or two were still occupied. It was like a sort of 20th century ghost town. The Park personnel do not (to my knowledge) destroy or burn the old cabins down. They let the elements take over and I suppose that in 30-40 years the old camps will be taken over by trees and the buildings will just rot out. I've hiked a lot of trails in these Mountains and every once in a while you will come across a old homestead that is being slowly returned back to the wild or just a old foundation with nothing else around. .
This image was taken with my old film camera the Nikon N-90S, 24mm f/2.8 lens and 35mm Etachrome E100VS slide film. I scanned this image from a 35mm slide into my PC with a Epson Perfection 4180 photo scanner. Post processing was done with PSE-4.


  1. Nice image. The only time I was in the Smokies was when I was 9 and we were moving from Pensacola,FL to Maine. My Dad had just been transfered to the Navy base in ME and we camped the whole way up.

  2. Ah Eddie "Lazy Bones" at least we got info that was missing before, Good that you didn't let Madelaine down.

  3. Glad you played! I love this image, really kinda eerie w/ the shadows! Nice!

  4. The colors here are fantastic, blues and purples, very cool.
