Sunday, February 15, 2009

Theme # 362 "Windows"

This beautiful window is part of an old building situated on the grounds of the old Woolworth Estate. There are many buildings here and one by one they are renovated and repairs made as appropriate. I believe all the buildings are barn red and have the older double hung windows as you see here. At one time this particular building was servants quarters and now is used for storage. If you look at my first post you will see a window similar to this and I titled that image "If only windows could talk". That title is very appropriate for this image also. All sorts of stories, gossip and who knows what else would be learned about the ultra rich when they lived or visited the estate. One for sure could write a book about it. Items such as this window always catch my eye even though it may not necessarily be the most photogenic window in the world. But the colors, warm late afternoon sun light and reflections help to make this image passable. I also like the idea that the outside ivy has some how made it's way inside out of the harsh winter elements.
Nikon D90 2009/02/14 16:04:39
RAW (12-bit)
Lens: 12-24mm F/4 G
Focal Length: 24mm
Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority
Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern
1/60 sec - F/7.1
Exposure Comp.: -0.3 EV
Sensitivity: ISO 200
White Balance: Auto
AF Mode: AF-A


  1. Oh the things this window has seen in it's lifetime! What character it still has - awesome image!!!

  2. Your right Eddie that vine wining it'd way inside makes a good photo great because that can't be staged it is all real. Love it.

  3. gorgeous photo! great colours and it!

  4. The ivy makes the shot! And the color...and the composition. Very well done, Edmund!

  5. Great old window. I love the contrast of the red and the reflections in the glass. Nice picture

  6. I love these great old windows, and the buildings they adorn. You did this one justice! Thanks, too, for the story behind it.

  7. A wonderful shot of weathered desolation. The framing is a pefect finishing touch.

  8. Very beautiful window with such vivid color and weathered wood. A favorite..

  9. Fabulous photo! Love the broken glass & peeling paint and the red siding....I think your framing is perfect!

  10. I agree with Tammy - this window - and the photo - have a lot of character. I was glad to read they are renovating and not allowing the buildings simply to fall into further disrepair.

  11. Not much left to say, you've made a compelling image.

  12. Well, I think this was probably the window I was thinking of when I added 'windows' to the theme list! ;-) Great find, Eddie, and a wonderful image...

  13. Fabulous shot. I love the angle and the window is beautiful in it's own right.

  14. fantastic shot! I love the way the primitive, old window is framed with such vibrant color, looks great!

  15. I really like this!

  16. I see you prefer to finish off your photos with a frame. I like that green stroke that matches the green in the window frame. It really brings the color of the window out. Did you notice how the vines reaching up inside lead right into the trucks of the reflected trees? How did you manage that???
